Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Update on the Iraqi Dinar(Still Hearing Soon,Question How Soon????)

I've finally got some positive news regarding our Iraqi Dinar Investment.
Maliki(PM) is promising to announce  The 3 outstanding Ministry positions next week (AGAIN)
Allawi (opposition Leader) and Maliki are suppose to be setting up a meeting to discuss the 3 positions of Defense,Interior,And National Security Ministry.Once this is done the Government will be complete and according to Shabbibi Governor of the CBI(central bank of Iraq) he will pull the trigger for the RV.Right now all 3 of these ministries are under Maliki Direction.Maliki is a control Freak  so I'm wondering if he will keep stalling on this or officially announce the ministers.(time will tell)
 Maliki was given 6 months by the religious leader Sadr to get  food ,water,power,and jobs created for the Iraqi People.Maliki then gave the government leaders(provinces)100 days to shape up or be shipped out.So the pressure is on to get this done.In order to do this they have to develop the private sector and foreign investment to get the country up and running.The price of a barrel of oil is about $98.00 /a barrel.Their 2011 budget had been calculated at $76.00/barrel.So they have a lot of excess money to play with here.
 To achieve all this they have to have a tradeable currency(RV).You can't run a country with worthless toilette paper
Other good news is Parliament resumes next week,The Arab Summit is coming up on March 29th/2011.The Pressure is on to get this done.Unknown is the RATE And DATE.Estimated rate between .60 to $1.00 US
 A lot of us need this yesterday.It will happen.Try to carry on with your daily life.I will be posting on this site as soon as it happens plus more plans for cashing out.STAY PATIENT
If you have any question please email me and i will answer them on here